So many things come to mind when you think of the word dark. Horror, death, bleak, mire, and topics that most people brush over because they are too dreary to think about. The Beauty in Darkness was an anthology concept that was thought up in collaboration with the late TS Woolard when we had made plans to go in together to run Dark Moon Rising Publications. It was his idea to showcase darkness and allow people to see below the surface to witness the ethereal enchantment humanity shies away from. Within these pages, you will find each writer's and artist's interpretation of what darkness means to them written so eloquently, you can't even see the inky abyss the pieces float in. 57 writers and artists came together to bring you short stories, poetry, art, and photography that have been carefully placed within to open your eyes to The Beauty in Darkness.
Edward Ahern, Alison Armstrong, Jesse Batista, Andrew Bell, William Bove, Pixie Bruner, Dawn Colclasure, Linda M. Crate, Candice Louisa Daquin, Quinn Rowan Dex, Ursula Dirks, Murray Eiland, Zary Fekete, Thomas Folske, Michael Fowler, Lindsey Goddard, Norbert Góra, Mawr Gorshin, Gerri R. Grey, Rowan Green, Megan Guilliams, D.M Harring, Kasey Hill, Toshiya Kamei, Katherine Kerestman, Shahbaz Khayambashi, Ian Klink, Taylor Kovach, J.L. Lane, Paul Lonardo, LindaAnn LoSchiavo, J.C. Maçek III, Brianna Malotke, Xtina Marie, Summer Mason, Cyndi Mays, Rick McQuiston, DW Milton, Shane Morin, Jason Morton, Bobbie Murphy, Michael Noe, Scarlet Norton-Duperre, Sergio Palumbo, Rick Powell, Shanna Renee, John Reti, KB Richards, M. Brandon Robbins, Neil Sanzari, Zachary Schneller, ReNait Suka, Michael Errol Swaim, Rob Tannahill, Tim Tolbert, Cass Wilson, and Amanda Worthington