In recent decades, the "short story" has occupied a distinguished position among the various literary arts. This status was represented by the increasing number of its writers, the abundance of their production, the diversity of their artistic trends, and the diversity of their creative methods. Place remains an essential element in narrative construction, especially with modern literary trends in which place has become an effective factor in producing meaning after it was - in traditional narration - just a background. Neutral to narrative events.
It is clear that we cannot reach the specificity of the narrative place except by clarifying its relationship with other elements, especially time, in what is known as spatiality, language, and the position of the narrator. And the place, whether realistic or artistic, is not just a geographical framework, but rather has its social and cultural dimensions in general, and this is what the author tried to clarify throughout this book, as he dealt with the narrative space of the "village", the space of the "city", the space of the "western city", and the space of the "desert". The so-called narrative perspective or the position of the narrator is due to his desire to link these different spatial spaces that I discussed with the analysis.