This book is unique in its approach, which relies - in essence - on monitoring what was going on in Tawfiq Al-Hakim's summer gathering in Alexandria, where he would take his fixed position in the Petro Casino, then in the cafeteria of the Champs-Élysées Hotel, letting his imagination, contemplations, and the looks of his eyes go wild... Warnings.
The distinguished critic Dr. says: Muhammad Hassan Abdullah: I witnessed these councils, and I acknowledge my full responsibility for the truthfulness and accuracy of everything I recorded in them that was attributed to Al-Hakim, or to other partners of the council, although this did not prevent me from recording an aspect of what I saw in Al-Hakim's literature - and not in His person (he is dear to me to the highest degree). Even though not a long time has passed since Al-Hakim's passing, and then this dialogue, I see that it is still needed, and even very needed, to renew the memory of this great writer: "Tawfiq Al-Hakim."