Merit Bridges, steps up to defend a client who's targeted in a fiery attack on a lucrative medical marijuana farm.
MANNING WOLFE, an award-winning author and attorney, writes cinematic-style, smart, fast-paced thrillers and crime fiction. Manning was recently featured on Oxygen TV's: Acci- dent, Suicide, or Murder, and has spoken at major book festi- vals around the world.* Manning's Merit Bridges Legal Thrillers features Austin attorney Merit Bridges, including Dollar Signs, Music Notes, Green Fees, and Chinese Wall.* Manning's new Proxy Legal Thrillers Series features Houston attorney Quinton Bell, including Dead By Proxy, Hunted By Proxy, and Alive By Proxy.* Manning is co-author of Killer Set: Drop the Mic, and twelve additional Bullet Books Speed Reads.As a graduate of Rice University and the University of Texas School of Law, Manning's experience has given her a voyeur's peek into some shady characters' lives and a front-row seat to watch the good people who stand against