"I felt there was an unspoken expectation that the suffering part of my journey be kept outside the doors of worship. It was too raw, too uncomfortable."
There are many who feel the draw and the need for a defined way to begin the conversation of healing. There is the offer-and even the expectation-of healing, but not the provision of a safe space to talk openly about that healing in its unfiltered expression. Particularly in churches, this prospect is overwhelming and we set it aside for a future time. A New Song provides the safe, applicable, and well-planned format to open the conversation about pain. This is a well-thought-out pattern by which we can talk openly about common experiences of suffering and our responses to the disappointments, loss, and trauma in our lives. A New Song, as a small group, provides: the foothold and assistance that you need to come alongside those who long for a safe place-and companionship-to travel the path toward healing. the encouragement to speak openly about pain without fear.the opportunity to introduce those experiencing pain to The Good Shepherd, our perfect traveling companion.
A New Song provides stepping stones along the journey of healing. It is not a dictated path, marking progress with a checklist. The group is not feeling the same emotions or making all the same choices; and yet, the participants are all guided into a common and familiar place of focus. This creates companionship and togetherness even though each person is taking their own path.We don't need to be afraid to talk about suffering. It is one of our most common experiences. Our stories long to be told. Our hearts cry out to be heard. Our spirits yearn for permission to express disquiet-and then to be gently reminded of a reason for hope.