Die Corona-Pandemie belastet seit Januar 2020 Orchester und Kulturorganisationen rund um den Globus. Die Pandemie hat gezeigt, wie fragil Orchester sein können. Andererseits hat die Pandemie einen Schub an kreativen Alternativen hervorgebracht, um den Betrieb unter neuen, räumlich entfernten Bedingungen und im Internet aufrechtzuerhalten. Die Pandemie hat daher auch gezeigt, wie agil Orchester sein können. Doch was sind die Lehren aus den Herausforderungen der Pandemie? Was sind neue strukturelle Ansätze für Musiker und Management, um Orchesterorganisationen für die Zukunft neu zu denken? Wie kann das Engagement von Musikern und Mitarbeitern für die eigene Organisation und die Bindung an das Publikum gestärkt werden? Alle Autorinnen und Autoren dieses Buchs sind Spezialisten auf ihrem Gebiet. Gemeinsam blicken wir auf jene Aspekte, die Orchestern im "neuen Normalzustand" nach der Pandemie helfen können, um eine frische Brise Luft zu schnappen und ihre Abläufe neu zu überdenken.
The Corona pandemic has affected orchestra organizations around the globe since January 2020. Most of the ensembles were forced to stop operations during hard lockdown periods of public life. Freelance ensembles and privately funded orchestras faced even higher pressure than state funded ones. The pandemic has shown, how fragile orchestras may be.
On the other hand the pandemic has brought forth a boost of creative alternatives from single musicians, from greater ensembles and from orchestra managements to upkeep operations under new physically distanced conditions and on the internet. Highest flexibility was shown in artistic planning, in creating new programs, in digital and recording work, in outreach and education activities, in new concert formats or support of pandemic-related charity campaigns. The pandemic has shown, how agile orchestras might be.
The very questions are: What are the lessons learned from the pandemic challenges? What are new structural approaches for musicians and managements to rethink orchestral organizations for the post-pandemic future? How can the engagement of musicians and staff for the own organization be enhanced? How can the ties towards the members of already familiar audience groups be strengthened?
Every co-author of this book is a specialist in his or her field. Together we're looking out to all aspects from which we think that orchestral organizations should take a breeze of fresh air and rethink their operations in the "new normal" after the pandemic. There is no step back, there only are steps forward.