Tony Jaksa Sr. has worked a lifetime in Northern Minnesota, instructing teams and students on safe response to fire, confined space dangers, and hazardous material releases and has also facilitated investigations on over four hundred process and/or injury incidents. During that time, he has reviewed, written, and/or updated safety programs and procedures for many industrial and construction companies. Over the last twenty-five years, he has delivered training for the Minnesota Safety Council, Northern Lumber Safety, and Midwest Safety Consulting. Tony has visited over thirty three industrial sites across the Midwest and spoke/trained behavioral safety process, confined space safety and rescue, 70E electrical safe practices, hazardous material response, OSHA 10/30, excavation competent person, and house crane safety. Currently, he works as a site safety specialist for Midwest Safety Consulting out of Grand Rapids, Minnesota, on a large construction project in Middle Minnesota. During his off-work hours, he spends time developing his mission and hobby, writing children's picture books on kids' safety, and through this effort, he hopes to find a path to early childhood injury prevention and to help build the next ready-to-work safety generation.