Immerse yourself in the role of one of the most famous and proliferous pimps of 20th century America.
In this exceptionally narrated biography, you will get to know an ambitious, ruthless and vicious man - Robert Beck, more commonly known by his street-earned nickname "Iceberg Slim". Being one of the most popular and talked about pimps of the last century, there are many stories surrounding the character of Iceberg Slim, some extraordinary and unbelievable, but this audiobook aims to show the listener the true and factual events from Iceberg Slim's life that shaped him into the notorious pimp he would become, and his life after his pimping career.
Follow the life path of a unique character of America's last century.
Many biographies about Robert Beck focus mainly on his political views, and sometimes objectionable behavior, but many overlook the dark publishing world he found himself long after he had been done with his pimping career, something which this biography aims to correct. Meet the characters of the most iconic pimp of the 20th century and discover the many little known facts about Robert Beck in this biography by Robert Lewis.