Sue Wilson grew up in the Pacific Northwest, but during her forty-plus years of marriage, she and husband Len have called Canada, Australia, Oregon and California home before putting down roots in North Carolina.
"Little did I know that my favorite childhood book, The Boxcar Children, would feed my ingenuity and resourcefulness someday in making anywhere a home. Although I have never lived in an abandoned boxcar, like they did, deep down I knew I could if I had to!"
As custom builders, Sue and Len have enjoyed making beautiful homes from badly neglected ones. They shared these home-making and home-building adventures with their three children and are now watching them-and even some of their nine grandchildren-with pride and pleasure as they set up housekeeping and deal with "home matters" of their own.
Sue's newest books are Nobody's Perfect and Your Home Matters (an easier to read, revised format of Home Matters).