Grada Kilomba - Schriftstellerin, Dozentin und Psychologin mit Wurzeln in São Tomé und Príncipe, geboren in Lissabon. Sie lehrte an verschiedenen Universitäten in Deutschland und Ghana postcolonial studies und hat an der Freien Universität Berlin promoviert. In ihrem literarischen Werk verbindet sie lyrische Prosa mit dem wissenschaftlichen Diskurs und geht damit Erinnerungsspuren an Sklaverei und Kolonialismus sowie dem alltäglichen Rassismus nach.
Grada Kilomba - Interdisciplinary artist, writer, and theorist born in Lisbon, where she studied clinical psychology and psychoanalysis. Strongly influenced by the work of Frantz Fanon, Kilomba started writing and publishing on memory, trauma, race, gender, and (post-)colonialism, and later on extended her concerns to form, language, performance, film, and installation. In her work, Kilomba intentionally creates a hybrid space between the academic and artistic languages, using storytelling as a central element for her decolonial practices. Her highly thought provoking works, have been presented at the Bienal de São Paulo, Berlin Biennale, Documenta, among others. She holds a Doctorate in Philosophy from the Freie Universität Berlin and has been lecturing at several international universities, and was last a Professor at the Humboldt Universität Berlin.