Aubrey graduated from the Melbourne Bible Institute in 1935. Almost immediately, it would seem, Aubrey left for Egypt, where he was to serve with the Egypt General Mission until 1956, when British missionaries were expelled from the country. Later, he became the Principal of the Lebanon Bible Institute. (It was about that time that the Egypt General Mission became the Middle East General Mission.)1 Aubrey become fluent in Arabic and since much of his work was with Muslims he became a student of Islam. While in Egypt he was busy preparing materials that were suitable for use in ministry to Muslims. Aubrey, with his wife Elsie, retired to Melbourne, where one of the many avenues of service that were opened to him was lecturing in Islam at the Bible College of Victoria (previously Melbourne Bible Institute; now Melbourne School of Theology). The Principal at the time, Rev Neville Anderson, who himself had served for many years in Bangladesh, (also a country with a considerable Muslim population) would have understood the need for Christians to be equipped for effective ministry to Muslims.