No More Lethal Waits is a concise and compelling step-by-step guide to transform emergency departments in Canada and anywhere patients wait unconscionable times for their needs to be met. Dr. Shawn Whatley - who knows whereof he speaks, having led and participated in radical change to a large emergency department - summarizes the steps as:
1. Revamp Triage.
2. Close the Waiting Room.
3. Redefine Nurse-to-Patient Ratios.
4. Use Chairs and Exam Tables, Not Stretchers.
5. Change Scheduling to Meet Patient Needs More Efficiently.
6. Give MDs Responsibility for Flow and Hire Patient
7. Use Real-Time Data and Adopt a Full Capacity Protocol.
8. Expect Resistance and Prepare for It.
9. Build on Solid Leadership Principles.
10. Get Political.