A STEP-BY-STEP, DON'T-OVERLOOK-ANYTHING WORKBOOK OF DIY PROJECTS THAT PREPARE HOME AND FAMILY FOR ANY LIFE-THREATENING CATASTROPHEFrom earthquakes, tornadoes, and hurricanes to floods, wildfires, and even civil strife, disasters threaten your home and safety no matter where you live. Fortunately,
The Prepper’s Workbook offers step-by-step instructions that will guarantee your family is fully prepared for whatever the world has in store, including:
• Checklists to stock up on life-saving survival supplies
• Projects to fortify your home from the elements
• Maps to pre-plan your bug-out and evacuation routes
• Blueprints to prepare your home’s defenses in case of societal collapse
• Forms to keep personal information on each family member organized
• Tips and tricks to maximize readiness while keeping costs down
An interactive step-by-step workbook of DIY projects and checklists that prepare home and family for any life-threatening catastrophe from hurricanes and tornadoes to rioting and economic collapse