According to a study published in Chief Executive Magazine, the most valued skill in leaders today is strategic thinking. However, more than half of all companies say that strategic thinking is the skill their senior leaders most need to improve. Elevate provides leaders with a framework and toolkit for developing advanced strategic thinking capabilities. Unlike the majority of books that focus on strategy from a corporate perspective, Elevate gives the individual executive practical tools and techniques to help them become a truly strategic leader. The new framework that will enable leaders to finally integrate both strategy and innovation into a strategic approach that drives their profitable growth is the Three Disciplines of Advanced Strategic Thinking:
1. Coalesce: Fusing together insights to create an innovative business model.
2. Compete: Creating a system of strategy to achieve competitive advantage.
3. Champion: Leading others to think and act strategically to execute strategy.
Every leader desperately wants to be strategic--their career depends on it. Elevate provides the roadmap to reach the strategic leadership summit.
The ability to think strategically is the most sought-after trait in leaders, and one of the most surefire ways for leaders to get ahead. So why do so few leaders understand what strategic thinking really means? There are plenty of books out there on corporate strategy, but, until now, few have explained how individual executives can practice strategic thinking on a daily basis to guide their business. Leaders need a concrete framework they can use to keep their careers vital through innovation and inspiration-not a theoretical introduction to strategy. In Elevate: The Three Disciplines of Advanced Strategic Thinking, Rich Horwath fills in the gaps with his highly respected, highly practical framework.
Understanding the basic principles of strategy is just the prerequisite for becoming a truly strategic leader. In this book, Horwath focuses on advanced strategic thinking that will drive results in the short- and long-term. His three-discipline approach breaks strategy down into its fundamentals: Coalesce, Compete, and Champion. Effective strategic leadership starts with a bird's-eye perspective, but it doesn't end there. Incorporating new insights and influencing commitment are part and parcel of advanced strategy. Through research, exercises, thought models, and lucid explanations of key concepts, Elevate guides leaders in the process of building these essential skills.
The majority of organizations say that strategic thinking is the most underdeveloped skill among their senior leaders. Too often, managers are so busy with day-to-day business operations and fire drills that they forget to take a step back-to elevate their thinking. This book demonstrates beyond a doubt that more advanced strategic thinking among managers would lead to greater strategic innovation and fewer fire drills, freeing leadership to take the initiative necessary to drive the organization to the next level.
Staying ahead of the competition is crucial for businesses, but competition is stiff at the individual level, too. Firms are realizing that strategic failures can lead to long-term losses and even financial catastrophe. That means leaders who are unable to think strategically could find themselves being phased out. Elevate: The Three Disciplines of Advanced Strategic Thinking helps leaders get ahead in their own careers by stepping back to focus on the big picture.
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